

The Ultimate Guide To Become A Successful Real Estate Agent

How to Introduce Yourself As A Real Estate Agent
How to Introduce Yourself As A Real Estate Agent

The Ultimate Guide To  Become A Successful Real Estate Agent 

As real estate agents, we go to a lot of networking events and we're constantly networking we know the importance of knowing other people were in a business where the more people you know the more the business you're going to get it's a person-to-person business, not a transactional business and you need to build connections with people the problem is I see so many real estates agents who don't know how to properly introduce themself so I'm going to give you a tip on how to properly introduce yourself  

Every real estate, agent we know that we need to build connections we need to become the person that's top of mind in our city and we need to know people we're in a business where the more people you know the more business you're going to get it's all about building connections fostering relationships and making sure that people in your city are familiar with you and seeing you out and being able to recollect who you are and what you do you want to be the agent that's top of mind but the problem is I see this time and time again when real estate agents go to networking events they fail to properly introduce themselves now what do I mean by that every time I see a real estate agent at a networking event.

I will say hey my name is "John Smith" you know what you do and they'll say I'm a real estate agent or I'm a realtor that is one of the worst things you can do now let me explain why we all know it's no secret that real estate agents have a stigma there's a stigma around almost every sales profession because they believe that it's soliciting and there's just so many negative connotations associated with many people's minds about real estate agents but there's so many of us that are great and the majority of Realtors are great they have great intentions they've got amazing work ethic they're very personable they love to give back they care about others there are so many positive things that I can rhyme off for days about Realtors but there's the stigma and almost everybody has it they think you know is just another realtor they're always out here they're flooding the events there's too many of them but that's not
the case.

How to Introduce Yourself As A Real Estate Agent

So what I want to teach you is the introductory line that I use in order to excite conversation and help you stand out at the next networking event when I'm at a networking event and someone says hey nice to meet you. 

What do you do this is the line that I use hi my name is John Smith I do creative work in the real estate space listen to that again when somebody asked me what I do I do not say hi my name is John I'm a realtor or hi my name's John I'm a real estate agent I say hi my name is John I do creative work in the real estate space now what does that do you're probably asking well what do you mean John that's the exact the reason why I say that sentence is because people are now going to ask well what do you mean by creative work in the real estate space are you an investor are you a marketer what you know what do you do that's what you want you to want to give yourself an opportunity for people to ask you more questions about what you do so when people ask oh that's great you know what you mean by creative work in the real estate space I now have an opportunity and a window of their attention and their curiosity because I've piqued it to start explaining the things I do differently as a real estate agent I leverage social media in a different way so it allows me to now talk about the fact that I leverage things like creative Facebook Ads and online strategies in order to get home sold for more money in less time even just saying that sentence more money in less time they're gonna say well how do you do that?.

Discuss How Do You Do That?

Well now that gives you another opportunity to talk about what you do with Facebook lead ads and how you can get more exposure to properties and how you have this unique selling strategy of coming soon just listed mega open houses if you guys want to know about the might create a Facebook lead app strategies Click below and I'll have a link to my free masterclass where I show you guys what I do differently on Facebook Ads but that's what you want to want to keep their curiosity piqued you want them to constantly ask more questions about what you do because now you have this rare opportunity as a Realtor where you're no longer one of many you're one of the ones you do something different in real estate space so you can talk about what kind of tech you leverage the video content you put out the social media platforms that you're active on and building connections and relationships on this are exactly what you want us all as modern innovative Realtors. 

 Discuss Selling Strategies

Which I'm assuming you are if  you have unique selling strategies you are leveraging the latest trends and technology you are on the leading edge of what's new what's relevant and how to implement that to get better results for people so next time you're at a networking event don't just introduce yourself as a realtor or a real estate agent because the conversation stops they're gonna make their own prejudgment they're going to just ask you how the market is and the conversations did you're now one of many ones of the hundreds of other Realtors that they've met at these networking events and that they know and there's nothing that sets you apart you want to go deep into conversation and have them asking questions about what makes you unique because you pique their interest about what you do differently so next time somebody asks you what you do and say that you do creative work in the real estate space and have your script ready to tell them exactly what you do differently to get home sold for more money and less time what you do in order to find the right properties for buyers may be off market using Facebook Ads and the like if you guys have any more questions about what to do when you're at the next networking event to maximize your results and build stronger connections drop a comment below and I will gladly help you out I love it when you guys engage with my content thank you so much for tuning in as always and we will see you

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